Related information: AX Series Product Life Cycle | EX Series Product Life Cycle
1. Introduction
This is A10 Networks confidential and proprietary information. This document details the current product life cycle policy for the A10 Networks Advanced Core Operating System (ACOS) software and A10 Networks hardware.
2. End of Life Notices
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3. Revision of these policies
A10 Networks may update and revise this document from time to time. A10 Networks will use reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that A10 partners and customers are informed of any such changes. The current revision of this policy can be found on the A10 Networks partner and customer support web portals.
A10 Networks reserves the right to revise this policy at A10 Networks’ sole discretion.
4. Release Numbering
The A10 Networks ACOS software releases are numbered as follows:
Designation | Definition | Release cycle | Responsibility |
X | Architecture release- architecture changes | Approx. every 24 months | Engineering |
Y | Major release- major features, enhancements and bug fixes | Approx. every 12-14 months | Engineering |
Z | Minor release – limited new features and bug fixes | Approx. every 4-6 months | Engineering |
GR | Gold release – supported 4 years and recommended release of Major release | Approx. every 18-24 months | Engineering |
P | Patch release – bug fixes and supportability enhancements only | Approx. every 2-4 months | Support |
SP | Special Patch release – urgent bug fix | As needed | Supporta |
5. ACOS Software Life Cycle
This section describes the A10 software cycles in detail.
5.1 Definition
In this document, the term “Release” refers to a new production version of the ACOS software, identified by a three-digit code label in the form “X.Y.Z”, followed by an optional release qualifier such as “patch”, “special patch”, or “GR”.
5.1.1 Architecture Release – May contain software architecture changes and significant features. The Architecture Release is designated by the first digit, X, in the release numbering.
5.1.2 Major Release – May contain functional features, enhancements to the existing features and bug fixes. The Major Release is designated by the second digit, Y, in the release numbering.
5.1.3 Minor Release – May contain limited functional features, some enhancements and bug fixes. The Minor Release is designated by the third digit, Z, in the release numbering.
5.1.4 Gold Release – Specially qualified release of every Major Release. Contains accumulated features from each Minor Release under the same Major Release. Starting from 2.6.x, each Major Release will have a designated Gold Release. A10 Networks always recommends that users upgrade to the latest Gold Release when it becomes available.
5.1.5 Patch Release – Contains bug fixes and supportability enhancements. The Patch Release number is designated by the letter “P” followed by a Patch Release number. Patch Releases with the same first three-digit release number share the same code branch; therefore, all subsequent Patch Releases from the same release numbering are guaranteed to contain bug fixes from the previous Patch Releases.
In addition to bug fixes, a Patch Release may contain the following changes:
- Critical security compliance-related changes
- Supportability enhancements
A patch Release in the same code branch is guaranteed to maintain backward compatibility with external Software APIs, display command output, and system functionalities.
5.1.6 Special Patch Release – Addresses specific critical customer issues. A Special Patch Release is designated by the letters “SP” followed by a Special Patch Release number. A Special Patch Release may be created based on an Architecture Release, a Major Release, a Minor Release, a Gold Release, or a Patch Release. The Special Patch Release may or may not be a General Availability (GA) release. A10 Networks will not provide subsequent Patch Releases for a particular Special Patch Release.
5.1.7 General Availability Release – ACOS release whose availability is announced to partners and customers through the A10 Networks partner and customer support web portals.
5.1.8 Early Availability Release – Provided to select customers prior to an Architecture, Major, or Minor Release. An EA release is designated by the letters “EA” in the release number field.
5.2 Gold Release
A Gold Release is a long-term release that has been qualified by A10 Networks and has had significant field exposure. To maintain the standards of high quality and stability expected of a Gold Release, no features will be added to the Gold Release after it is GA.
However, a Gold Release may have additional patches to address one or more of the following issues:
- Critical security vulnerabilities
- Supportability-related changes
- Bug fixes
Every Major Release will have a designated Gold Release. For example, the 2.7.x and 2.8.x Major Releases each will have a corresponding Gold Release.
The Gold Release is supported for 4 years from the date that a given Gold Release is announced as GA.
5.3 Terms of Supportability
5.3.1 End of Patch (EOP) – Date after which A10 Networks will no longer provide a Patch Release for a Minor Release:
5.3.1.a Gold Release – Minimum 4 years from the Gold Release GA date
5.3.1.b Non-Gold Release – Minimum 6 months from that the Gold Release’s GA date of its Major Release.
5.3.2 End of Life (EOL) – Date after which A10 Networks will no longer investigate reported issues for the affected release:
5.3.2.a Gold Release – Minimum 4 years from Gold Release GA date
5.3.2.b Non-Gold Release – For the release where the first 3 digits are the same as a Gold Release, End Of Life will be the same as the Gold Release. For other releases minimum 1 year after Gold Release GA Date.
5.3.1 Example
The following example shows the EOP and EOL schedules for 2 Minor Releases, 0.0.0 and 0.0.1. Each of the Minor Releases reaches its EOP 6 month after GR has been announced.
Following the arrival of the Gold Release, the previous Minor Releases each are given an EOL to occur 1 year after the GA date of 0.0.x GR. The EOL for the Gold Release is 4 years after the GA date.
6. Software Release Matrix
6.1 Supported Software Matrix
Please refer to the A10 partner or customer support web portal for the most current information.
7. Hardware Release Matrix
7.1 Supported Hardware Matrix
Please refer to the A10 partner or customer support web portal for the most current information.
7.2 Hardware End of Life
Supported hardware will be maintained or replaced with original or functionally equivalent hardware for the period of support, provided that the specific hardware is covered by warranty or an appropriate maintenance agreement with A10. However, to receive A10 support, partners or endusers should maintain the Hardware by keeping it up to date with supportable software releases.