
Security Advisory

Published: May 11, 2016
Last Update: May 11, 2016

On May 3rd, the OpenSSL published a security advisory detailing a number of vulnerabilities in OpenSSL mostly related to input validation. At least two of them, if aligned properly can lead to third party controlled code execution.


Some versions of ACOS include vulnerable version the OpenSSL library. The vulnerabilities affecting it and which are addressed by this software update are: CVE-2016-2108, CVE-2016-2105, CVE-2016-2106, CVE-2016-2109 and CVE-2016-2176).

The most notable is CVE-2016-2108 which is ranked “high severity” and could potentially expose the device to an underflow and crash, when verifying and re-encoding certificates.

Affected Releases
Workarounds and Mitigations

Currently there is no way to mitigate the impact of those.

Software Updates

Software updates resolving this vulnerability will be published at the following URL when available: click here

The following table summarizes update versions resolving all of the above CVEs.

Vulnerable Release Resolved Release
4.0.3-P1 4.0.3-P2
4.1.0-P1 4.1.0-P2
2.7.2-P7 2.7.2-P7-SP8
2.7.2-P7 2.7.2-P8
2.7.1.GR1-P1 2.7.1-GR1-P2
Vulnerability Details

Affected Platforms: ADC, CGN
Affected Software Versions: 4.0.x, 2.7.x, 2.8.x

Vulnerability ID Vulnerability Description
Related Links
1. OpenSSL Security Advisory – 2016-05-03: https://openssl.org/news/secadv/20160503.txt 2. NIST-NVD, https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2016-2108 3. MITRE-DB, https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2016-2108
Ref # General Link
Modification History
Revision Date Description
1.0 April 18, 2018

Created web page